St. Croix County Fair News
Give Big St. Croix Valley
Give Big St. Croix Valley – Tuesday April 27th
The Friends of the St Croix County Fairgrounds supports and encourages interest in agriculture and our agricultural heritage, community service, and development of leadership skills, especially by youth, through supporting the development of the St. Croix County Fairgrounds.
To date with the support of the St. Croix County 4-H Dairy, Horse and Livestock Committees, the St. Croix County Fair Association plus County 4-H Clubs, the construction of the Dairy Complex & Horse Barn #1 have been fully funded. Currently, we are fundraising for the new Multi-Species Livestock Barn which will be ready for the 2021 Fair.
Friends of the St. Croix County Fairgrounds is participating in Give Big St. Croix Valley, Tuesday April 27th. Donations can be made online by going to the Give Big St. Croix Valley web site and searching for Friends of the St. Croix County Fairgrounds or by sending a check directly to: Friends of the St. Croix County Fairgrounds, P.O. Box 306, New Richmond, WI 54017. Please write Give Big in the memo line.
Again this year we have generous donors who will match gifts of $100, $500 or $1,000
2020 St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Cancelled
2020 St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Cancelled
After assessing the current Covid-19 pandemic and in consideration of the St. Croix County Health Advisory, it is with heavy hearts the St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Committee along with the St. Croix County Fair Board have made the decision to cancel to 2020 St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo at Glenwood City. This decision was not taken lightly as it has a huge impact on our community, businesses, rodeo personnel, contestants, fans, and many others. To ensure the safety of all and make sure the rodeo remains viable in future years, the decision was made to cancel this year’s event that had been previously postponed to August 21 and 22.
The committee assessed the risk to all volunteers, attendees, their families and the rodeo community and after much discussion concerning the possible health risks to all involved as well as considering the local recommendations for capacity limits for public events and gatherings as well as financial implications, the decision was one we felt was in the best interest for everyone. The committee does understand there are differing opinions in regards to COVID-19, but do wish that everyone understands why the decision was made.
During the July 9th meeting, the decision was also made to move the dates of the 2021 rodeo to August 20 & 21. 2021. The St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo committee and the St. Croix County Fair Board is committed to putting on one of the best rodeos in the area, and look forward to seeing all of you in August 2021!
Please understand our decision, and realize it was extremely difficult and we know many will be disappointed, but ultimately the health and safety of all is of the utmost importance.
Please keep updated via our Facebook page, St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo, for online ticket sales and other announcements. We thank everyone for their support and are looking forward to the best rodeo yet on August 20 & 21, 2021! Stay safe and healthy.