St. Croix County Fair News

2017-18 Fair Books Now Available

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 | St. Croix County Fair, St. Croix County PRCA Rodeo, St. Croix County May Fair, St. Croix County Fairgrounds, Miscellaneous

2017-18 Fair Books Now Available

Whether you bake, sew, build, grow or train, entering an exhibit at a county fair is an exciting process and open to all.  The St. Croix County Fair offers 17 different open class departments for entries including classes ranging from Antiques and Cats to Rabbits and Woodworking.  This year’s St. Croix County Fair will be held July 19-23, in Glenwood City. Entry day for all non-animal exhibits is Wednesday, July 19 with judging beginning at noon and lasting until 7:30 p.m.  To enter your favorite exhibit in the St. Croix County Fair's Open Class competition, visit our website at and click on the Quick Links “Open Class Fair Book” the entry form will be the first link at the top of the page, or a paper entry can be found on page 113 of the St. Croix County Fair Book. All entries are due by May 31.

As in previous years, Dunn, Polk and Pierce residents are eligible to exhibit in the Open Class Division at the 2017 St. Croix County Fair.  If any resident from our neighboring counties have questions, please feel free to contact the St. Croix County Fair at or visit our Facebook page and private message us.

Thank you to the county businesses that are assisting the St. Croix County Fair as a fair book pickup location.  Fair books will be available at these locations by Monday, March 13:
New Richmond: Farm & Home, Government Center and the New Richmond News office
Hudson: Government Center
Baldwin: Extension Office / Ag. Center
Glenwood City: Nilssen's SuperValu, and Tribune Press Reporter office
All local libraries will have  a limited number of books available to pick-up and will keep a few books as reference materials.

For additional Fair related information, visit the St. Croix County Fair web site at, or email us at  Come to the Fair with your exhibit and put yourself in the center of the fun. Our theme for the 2017 St. Croix County Fair is “Hay Bales & Pig Tails” and it's bound to be a tail curling good time. We hope to see you there.

Now accepting applications for St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Queen

Friday, March 3, 2017 | St. Croix County Fair, St. Croix County PRCA Rodeo, St. Croix County Fairgrounds

Now accepting applications for St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Queen

GLENWOOD CITY - The St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo is currently accepting applications for the 9th annual St. Croix Valley Rodeo Queen position. Applications are due to the committee by April 1, 2017.

We are currently looking for young women ages 16-23, that live in a 60 mile radius from the St. Croix County Fairgrounds in Glenwood City. All contestants must be able to ride a horse well, speak to the public about the sport of rodeo and other topics as pertain to her reign.  The primary function of the St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Queen will be to promote the rodeo and the queen program in rodeos, parades, on the radio and by representing the rodeo at various social events.

An exciting development to this year's competition is the addition of a Jr. Miss St. Croix Valley PRCA Rodeo Princess. This wonderful opportunity is open to girls between the ages of 13-15, just fill out the same application as the Rodeo Queen candidates and submit it by April 1, 2017.

Application materials are available and can be downloaded at


Direct all questions to St. Croix Valley Rodeo Queen Coordinator, Theresa Hoffman at 715-781-1046 or We look forward to hearing from you. Go Rodeo!

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